Team Dimensions Survey


The Growth and Leadership Center’s

Team Dimensions Survey Program

The Team Dimensions Survey Program provides team leaders with an opportunity to quickly surface and address critical elements of the team’s performance. The entire program can be delivered in 30 Days for quick assessment and intervention.

Four Steps to Results:
  • 1. Survey the Team using GLC’s Team Dimensions Survey
  • 2. Collect Peer Feedback on Areas of Strength and Development
  • 3. Conduct Stakeholder Interviews
  • 4. Present Results and Off-Site Facilitation

1. Team Dimensions Survey © (TDS)

GLC’s proprietary team assessment tool provides the entire team and team leader an opportunity to gain insight and targets for action.

Six Dimensions of Team Performance
  • 1. Team Leadership
  • 2. Organizational Alignment
  • 3. Motivation and Commitment
  • 4. Talent and Needs Alignment
  • 5. Operational Excellence
  • 6. Team Dynamics

Each dimension is broken down and rated by team members, including opportunities for narrative comments. Responses are combined and displayed in beautiful easy-to-read reports that highlight:

  • Rank ordered Ratings of Six Team Dimensions
  • Overviews and Detailed Charts
  • Divergence and Alignment in Team Perception
  • Narrative Comments from Team Members for Each Dimension
  • Team Member Evaluation of Strategy


2. Peer Feedback Report

Team members provide simple and constructive feedback to each other regarding:

  • Areas of Strength
  • Areas for Development

Peer feedback is confidential and distributed only to the individuals in clear charts that reveal variety of perceptions the team member generates among their Peers. Through safe and to-the-point exercises, each person has opportunities to explore and interact to strengthen the the feedback’s usefulness.


3. Stakeholder Interviews

TDS results and conversations with the Team Leaders are used to form initial questions for Stakeholder Interviews. Each team member is interviewed to further explore areas of concern, strength and opportunity facing the company and the team. Along with gaining more in-depth information, the interviews let GLC Facilitators prepare team members for constructive interaction and problem-solving as part of the off-site experience, and allow GLC facilitators and Team Leader to better direct and focus the offsite to address high pay off issues.

4. Presentation of Results and Off-Site Facilitation

The off-site is conducted soon after the data is collected and combined into a graphic and narrative report. We present, explain, and discuss the results of the survey and interviews, identify possible areas for team focus, and engage in intensive collaborative problem-solving exercises.

Exercises are unique, powerful, and enlivening, combining written work, synergistic idea generation, discussion, collaboration, and action-planning. The plans are for actual, not theoretical implementation, and require team discussion and buy-in to be effective.

The second portion of the off-site addresses Peer Feedback and personal development. We incorporate concepts on making the most of feedback, interactive exercises to explore the feedback and some peer coaching to further development.

Discover what insight and results are possible for you and your team!